Venus, goddess of love and beauty, has been a part of our collective consciousness for centuries. From ancient Greek mythology to modern-day astrology, she is a powerful symbol that can be used to access our own inner power. But what does it mean to work with this divine feminine energy? Let’s explore the magical history of Venus and discover how we can use her as our patron deity.
Venus was originally worshipped by the ancient Greeks as Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. According to myth, she was born from the foamy sea when Uranus’ genitals were cut off by his son Cronus and thrown into the ocean. She then arose from the waves fully formed, riding a giant scallop shell. This myth is symbolic of female power and creativity—and is a reminder that each one of us contains within us an incredible source of strength and beauty.
In astrology, Venus is associated with grace, harmony, abundance, fertility, passion, intimacy and pleasure. It rules over two zodiac signs: Taurus (the Bull) and Libra (the Scales). In magic rituals or spells designed to bring about more love or friendship in your life, you may wish to call on her for guidance and protection. Additionally, working with her energy can help amplify any efforts towards attraction or manifestation work—especially when paired with crystals or other spiritual tools associated with her domains like rose quartz or jade.
When you are ready to invoke the energy of Venus into your life—whether through ritual or simply through meditation—there are several steps you can take. Start by setting aside time for yourself in which you will not be disturbed. Light some candles or incense as an offering before calling upon her name three times out loud; this will summon her power into your ritual space. As you meditate on her presence within you, focus on opening yourself up to receive her blessings—and allow them to flow freely throughout your body as you bask in their lightness and warmth.
Whether we are seeking more love in our lives or looking for ways to manifest abundance—we can all benefit from invoking this powerful feminine force in our daily practice! By unlocking its wisdom within ourselves, we open up a world of possibilities that go beyond this physical realm—a world where anything is possible if we simply believe it with all our hearts!
Check out our online class where you can learn more about her and ways you to work with her!