This is something that I know about myself. While the heavy Capricorn energies in my astrological chart have been great in helping stay focused and determined with my work projects, they can also give me the tendency to neglect myself care.
About a month ago, I started to find myself waking up before work, and as I was starting to get ready, I’d say to myself, “I honestly just don’t have the time to sit for 5 minutes and meditate.” When I say meditate, I’m not specifically referring to sitting cross-legged with my eyes closed and turning on some zen music. Meditation really just means being “present’ or being in the moment. And this “I don’t have time…” mantra happened all throughout my days.
This had started to become a daily habit, and not one I wanted to create for myself. I began to realize where I was putting my time, and it was definitely not in myself. There’s one place that I knew for certain that I took time for every day (besides my morning coffee), and that was the shower. It’s a place of lost and wild thoughts, occasional singing and where I know I can ultimately relax.
So, to help solve this terrible “I don’t have time” habit, I began to implement a daily shower ritual to MAKE that time for me.
If you’re finding yourself in the same boat, check out some of these tips and ideas on how to make your own shower ritual!
Make this time for yourself. Rather than planning a super short 10 minute shower, allot yourself 20 minutes or more to truly be present with yourself. This is a time to be alone and tap into what your inner self has to say. Make sure to let others you may live with know that this is your personal time so you’re not disturbed.
Make this space your own! Add some candles and light them to add calming aromas to your space. You can also add some music if you’d like to set whatever mood you need. Do you need to be calm and stress free? Need to get energized and hype? Think of some of these things and implement that into your space.
PLEASE NOTE ABOUT CRYSTALS: I’m all about adding crystals to vibe up your space. HOWEVER some crystals are toxic when they come into contact with water. Please do your research before you add any crystals near a water source.
Next time you go to the store, find yourself some greenery, like fresh eucalyptus that you can add underneath your shower head. The warm water will open up these plants and add extra oxygen to your shower experience. Not only is this good for your lungs, but it’s also amazing for your skin.
This is your space, and who doesn’t love trying out some fun and new body washes, and shower steamers? If there’s a new face wash you’ve been looking at trying, go ahead and do so! Whatever new soaps or soaks you’re looking at trying out, this is the time to do so. It’s time to pamper YOU.
This is a perfect time to wash away all the “gunk” you’ve collected from your day. By gunk, I mean all the negative and energetically draining energies you’ve collected from work, or being out and about. It’s a good time to take a mental moment to picture the water washing away anything that doesn’t belong to you and to RECLAIM your power back to yourself.