Water is a beautifully healing element, and when a water sign is present, a LOT of self healing tends to come into play in our lives. This can be incredibly heavy energies to deal with, but rather than fighting against the current, sometimes we just need to flow with it. With being right towards the end of Cancer season and on the verge of the fiery sign of Leo, this is a fantastic time to tap into energies of release. This is an elemental release ritual you can do at home to help you in releasing anything that’s no longer serving you. This could be negative thought patterns, bad habits, or unhealthy attachments.
PLEASE NOTE: This ritual incorporates the use of fire via a candle. Only use fire in a well-ventilated area and away from pets, children and any flammable objects with an extinguisher close by.
Find somewhere comfortable where you can sit and write with at least 1 meter of space surrounding you. Use a compass (you can find an app for this on your phone!) to note where North, South, East and West is for you. Each location represents an element.
For East you can place anything related to the element of Air; athame, wand, staff, feather, wind chimes, bell, incense, spoon, or any of these crystals (Clear Quartz, Citrine, Smoky Quartz/Topaz). This is also where you will place your fireproof container.
For South place a lit candle to represent the element of Fire.
For West place the bowl of water to represent Water.
For North place the bowl of salt to represent Earth.
Once everything is in place, it’s time to begin. Sit in front of your circle of items you just created and start by grounding yourself in any way that feels comfortable to you; meditation, deep breathing, chanting or earthing. As you ground yourself, imagine a protective barrier surrounding you in your circle. Make sure to imagine that as this barrier is being placed around you, nothing can enter your circle without your permission. You are safe and protected.