If you feel out of sorts, light-headed, insecure and like you can’t seem to keep a thought focused, it’s usually because need to get yourself rooted into the earth. Earthing is a wonderful practice to add into your daily life to help you do just that! Here’s a great example of an earthing practice. KEEP IN MIND– you can make this your own, so adjust accordingly. With this practice, we will use a meditation called the Tree Of Life.
1. Stand in mountain pose (look this us via yoga), and spend 2-3 minutes breathing deeply and focusing on your breath. I like to place my hand on my heart to bring comfort to myself and feel my breath movements.
2. Bring your attention to your feet and visualize a root growing into the ground. Feel the root growing deeper, past the earth and its layers of rock, until it reaches the fiery core of the earth.
3. Take a moment here to feel your connection to the Earth’s energy. Breath into this place. Now bring your focus back up your root and draw the Earth’s energy back up with you with each breath.
4. When this energy reaches the top, draw it now into your body. Allow it to slowly fill your body from your feet and all the way to the top of your head.
5. As it reaches your crown chakra, visualize this energy growing out of your crown, like branches from a tree. Feel the leaves and branches growing higher and wider, forming a wide canopy.
6. Now visualize your leaves absorbing light and energy from the cosmos through your branches and back into your body. Feel this energy spiraling into your solar plexus and all around your body.
7. Spend a few minutes here breathing deeply, feeling your connection to Heaven, Earth, and most importantly, YOU!
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